Digital Tutors Camera Projection in Maya and Nuke 6.1
种子大小:889.46 MB
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- 10. Using perspective tricks to model the rest of the building.flv57.69 MB
- 11. Modifying our channel box to accurately control scaling.flv54.36 MB
- 16. Creating our projection setup inside Nuke using Project3D.flv45.36 MB
- 23. Creating new geometry and images for our reflections.flv44.97 MB
- 04. Finding the actual Focal Length and setting it in Maya.flv44.24 MB
- 08. Rotating our camera to match our rotation to our building.flv42.35 MB
- 24. Final rendering and compositing our reflection and projection.flv42.24 MB
- 09. Creating our projection shader.flv42.02 MB
- 03. Taking Photos for Camera Projection and common issues.flv39.62 MB
- 15. Exporting our geometry and cameras from Maya into Nuke.flv39.37 MB
- 14. Maintaining the horizon line by duplication our projection.flv36.51 MB
- 12. Animating our new camera movement.flv36.04 MB
- project_filesImagesstock_photos_396.psd34.07 MB
- 06. Matching the first point of our building.flv32.73 MB
- 13. Creating background buildings.flv32.13 MB
- 20. Fixing edge quality with multi samples and edge blur.flv32.02 MB
- 18. Creating a sky dome that matches our background photo.flv31.69 MB
- 07. Creating a basic camera rig to rotate around our point.flv30.88 MB
- 21. Extracting our reflective areas and beginning to shade them.flv28.56 MB
- 05. Adding our image plane for initial camera match moving.flv26.95 MB
- 17. Creating projections using the UV Project node.flv26.73 MB
- 19. Adding Zblur and an alpha render of our main building.flv25.79 MB
- 02. What is Camera Projection.flv24.88 MB
- 22. Modifying our Architectural material to reflect.flv18.98 MB
- 01. Introduction and project overview.flv10.35 MB
- project_filesImagesstock_photos_396.jpg2.73 MB
- project_filesImagesmain_hotel_image.jpg1.59 MB
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- project_filesMaya Filesscenesarchivetest_export.fbx201.08 KB
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