Digital Tutors - Compositing Stereoscopic Images in AutoDesk Toxik
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- 08. Creating an expression to control screen depth.flv35.11 MB
- 06. Applying our work from one view to the other.flv31.6 MB
- 07. Moving images to change the entire scene depth.flv29.24 MB
- 05. Tracking our left view.flv25.63 MB
- 09. Rendering an Anaglyphic image and rendering the image pair separately.flv20.76 MB
- 03. Basic workflows for editing stereo images.flv20.46 MB
- 04. Fixing Problems in Post for Stereo images.flv19.59 MB
- 02. Setting up an Anaglyph preview composition.flv13.28 MB
- project_files.zip7.62 MB
- 01. Introduction and Project Overview.flv7.41 MB
- ReadME2 First.rtf997 Bytes
- Torrent downloaded from Bytes