Digital-Tutors - GettingU the Skin with Virtual Tattoos in Photoshop
种子大小:1.2 GB
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- Project_Files.rar487.37 MB
- 05. Rendering our tattoo.mp4144.89 MB
- 06. Conforming the tattoo to the arm.mp4125.55 MB
- 04. Blocking in flat color.mp4100.98 MB
- 03. Applying line work.mp486.04 MB
- 08. Creating some skin texture.mp481.29 MB
- 07. Blending the tattoo into the arm.mp453.89 MB
- 09. Adjusting the lighting.mp452.85 MB
- 02. Sketching our tattoo.mp442.46 MB
- 10. Final example.mp441.25 MB
- 01. Introduction and project overview.mp410.29 MB
- iNFO.url119 Bytes
- GFXDomain.NET.txt58 Bytes