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Introduction to nCloth in Maya


种子大小:708.72 MB




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  1. 8. Controlling nCloth collisions.flv109.12 MB
  2. 14. Caching nCloth simulations.flv81.06 MB
  3. 6. nCloth input and output meshes.flv66.04 MB
  4. 7. Exploring nCloth dynamic properties.flv65.54 MB
  5. 9. Working with nConstraints.flv52.84 MB
  6. 13. Identifying potential problems with your cloth simulation.flv50.36 MB
  7. 3. Exploring the Nucleus node.flv47.83 MB
  8. 12. Simulating cloth on a moving character.flv45.9 MB
  9. 10. Creating tearing cloth simulations.flv42.58 MB
  10. 5. Increasing the quality of nCloth simulations.flv38.23 MB
  11. 11. Dynamic property maps.flv35.46 MB
  12. 2. Creating an nCloth simulation.flv33.88 MB
  13. 4. The importance of scene scale in our simulations.flv26.71 MB
  14. project_files.zip7.45 MB
  15. 1. Introduction and project overview.flv5.71 MB